What to Ask the Nurse?
When speaking with the patient’s nurse, you want to think about the information you need to gain and questions you should ask. Are you looking to gain info? Are you looking to see why therapy should or should not occur? Are you trying to convince the nurse that therapy is ok? Below are some sample questions to ask. Remember each interaction will be nurse and patient-specific.
Questions to Gain Information
Can I work with the patient today?
Are there any barriers to therapy?
What was discussed or decided in rounds?
Are there any updates to mobility or activity orders?
What is the patient’s plan for the day?
Are they any upcoming tests I should be aware of?
What is the medical plan?
How did the patient do overnight? So far today?
Are the vitals stable?
Have there been any changes to medications or plan of care?
How has the patient been tolerating vent? Are vent settings stable? Any recent changes or plan to wean/go for trach?
ICP/EVD/Other Drains
What is going on with the EVD/lumbar drain? Are they planning for/is the patient tolerating clamping trials?
Are there any ICP issues? How has the ICP been? Is it unstable? Have they been requiring Mannitol/need surgical management (i.e, hemicraniectomy)?
What drains are there? Can they be clamped for therapy?
Blood Pressure
What are the specific BP parameters? [Pressors are used to increase BP; drips are used to decrease BP]
o How tight are the BP goals? #of pressors or drips (stimulation can generally increase BP)
o What are the pressors? What are the drips?
Therapy-related questions
What do you think the patient will be able to participate in therapy today?
Do you have any concerns about the patient participating in therapy today?
What should the patient avoid doing?
What are your major concerns about the patient participating in OT?
What do you think we’ll be doing in the session today?
What’s the patient’s level of sedation? Can it be weaned for therapy? (Propofol has a short half-life. Can generally stop for therapy)
How has agitation been? (can factor into patient cooperation and safety)
Question to Garner Support
What do you need from me?
Is there anything I can help you with while I’m working with the patient?
i.e., do they want to change the bed linens during standing attempts, need to collect a urine sample during toileting tasks
And sometimes just an explanation of what you plan to do or a reminder of OT’s role is just as important!
Can I let you know my plans for the session?